18 iun. 2013

Recunoasterea frumusetii

Cumva in adancul sufletului nostru simtim frumusetea de la cei care ne inconjoara. Si trebuie sa spun ca ne plac inconstient numai anumiti oameni sau anumite lucruri. Este chiar surprinzator ca nu ne exprimam asta intr-un mod ce poate fi explicat. Am incercat sa pun asta cumva in cuvinte si problema ramane ca nu prea stim ce sa alegem din vastele simtiri. Incercam sa gasim motive unde argumentul este mai mult de ordin sentimental. Am invatat ca sunt trei stadii ale analizei operei de arta: primul este recunoasterea superficiala, al doilea se bazeaza pe interpretare si al treilea se refera la legatura intre cunostintele noastre cu tema si sensul pe care il dobandeste astfel opera de arta. Poate ca si noi functionam la fel cand recunoastem frumusetea din jurul nostru. Incercam in primul rand sa conturam subiectul, apoi recunoastem grupul caruia ii apartine si la al treilea nivel contextualizam in baza cunostintelor noastre: frumos sau nu. 
Frumusetea este cumva apropiata de inima noastra, asa ca trebuie sa fie similara cu alegerile pe care le-am facut in trecut. Si frumusetea este inca mai adanca pentru a fi mentionata, notata si exprimata. 
Fie sa gasim cat mai multa si sa judecam in asa fel incat sa ne simtim frumosi si inconjurati de frumusete in fiecare zi!

4 iun. 2013

What Keeps the Human Machine going

Have you noticed how all media players turn themselves off once out of your attention. If you don't push any buttons the computer, the tv or even the phone turns to standby mode without voicing anything. I don't mind it, but  I realised that people seem to behave more in the same direction which I believe it's not exactly healthy. We, as humans, begin to expect less from the people we interact with: turn off the conversation as soon as we are bored with it, we don't say hello or good bye because we get straight to the point or ignore the simple salute of a neighbour. And I realised this as I felt one day I was missing a message from something that was speaking a few hours ago and now the house was in complete quietness. It's a bit scary to think of it this way. However, the tv was on a few hours ago and as I ignored it for a couple of hours, it turned itself off without letting me know. And I realised the simple good bye interaction would make me feel a little bit cared for. I am afraid to admit that the human interaction is what keeps us going. It's not the house, not the land and the objects we possess, but the pure human interaction. That is how we all know we are cared for somehow. That is how we learn to deal with our fears, our hopes and dreams. We need to hear a voice gently speaking to us, crying or screaming from time to time. And this is a little bit the usual we take for granted or suggest we don't need in favour for the technology we use. No matter how boring or how exciting a conversation turns out to be, we love the simple chattering which makes our brains function better than just auditioning some electronic show made for perishability. In a comic way I can say the oil that makes the human machine work is the human interaction in all its joy, boredom or sadness.

3 iun. 2013

Our Four Wheel Opulence

Dear drivers,
have you wondered how often you actually use the whole car you are driving? I did. 
Quite often I realise the small car I drive around the city alone is too big for my real city needs. If you come to think about it you couldn't reduce your life in the city to bike or motorcycle, but think about a two seat car where you could also accommodate the suit or the backpack or even a friend you want to take with you. So, I realised the two seated cars are very good for the city. 
Still, I see around the city small 4 seat cars which are too small for 4 people, but yet the producers don't adapt these cars to 2 seated, smaller fuel consumption and smaller CO2 emissions. Please, think about it and tell yourself honestly how many times did you get out of the city with your small car? I did only few times, but the truth is I did it more for the car than for the real need to get out with my small car. And I must say I got a kei car to reduce emissions and to keep a small parking space occupied. I am happy with my choice still, I have not often used the rest of the 2 seats my car has.
And there is always the other car: the one you dream of. Yes, I admit, I dream to drive an SUV. I love the SUVs. The reason: I am small in height, I love to see the world from a top view, I feel safer in a taller car. However, thinking about it twice, I admit, I cannot find a real reason for it. I would drive it around the city in a high CO2 emission, I would pay bigger insurance and tax, I couldn't find a parking space quite often and I would use an unnecessary space in the city with my "tank". I would love it when going around the country. Still, my vacation lasts 21 days per year. And that is why I get to use a big space for 21 days out of the 365 of a year. I don't want to turn this into percentage, but I believe the figures are quite relevant. Do you believe this is worth it?
I know what you are about to say. I grew up with the same American movies and I loved the opulence, the grandeur of their SUVs. However, we are going through economical crises and this is why it is simply stupid to keep up large buildings as homes when you are living on your own, to drive a huge car which takes up space and to be opulent when all the others are squeezing to live. Let's consider twice if it's really worth driving a big car in a crowded metropolis rather than having the humble look and redefine city life.
Please think about it twice when making the choice for your car!