You just have to have your eyes wide open. Keep them up to feel the sun, the light, to see the nature and all coming with it... even the rain and the storm.
I took a walk down the street and under the trees. I avoided dangers such as street dogs and I faced my fears. My major fear of thunder hitting me. It was a bit scary with the sky, the noise, the lightning and still I kept on walking. My feet were leading me home. The whole walk made me think that our fears keep us indoors when nature shows its dark side. And it's not really normal. We live in a city and the more we grow into these urban settlements the more "don't" we get. We become less free of our true nature and therefore the nature forgets about us. Our city turns into a common settlement for citizens and we dehumanise. Let's rather keep our natural rhythm going and face the fears. And maybe then we will see the true beauty of nature even on a rainy day like today.
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